Our Services
We have protocols that have shown dramatic improvement for those suffering from things like:
- Advanced Disease
- Cancer Treatment Side Effects
- Nutritional Deficiencies
- Emotional Issues
- Detoxification
- Chronic Pain
- Chronic Inflammation
- Energetic Imbalances
- Effects of Aging
- Allergies
- Epigenetics & Genetic Impacts
- Skin Conditions
- Lyme Disease
- Sleep Disorders
- Hormonal Imbalances
- EMF Sensitive

Our Products
Should you choose to enhance your well-being using all natural supplements, take comfort that every suggestion will be explained and you will have a variety of choices in products.
We carry homeopathic, botanicals, vitamins and minerals from some of the finest and most trusted companies in the United States.
Our Techniques
We feature techniques and methods based in the following arenas:
- Naturopathics
- Homeopathics
- Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Rife Technologies
- Biphotonics
- Radionics
- Sound Therapy
- Energy Work
- Reiki
- Frequency Therapy
Please download, print, and fill out the following Individual Health Information Sheet if you are interested in a consultation, either by phone or in person:
Scan and email to Blake at [email protected] for your information to be properly received and filed.