The Movie

The Movie

Scoring over 70 awards and nominations in the film festival circuit (IMDB page), this film tells the true story about the life of Diana Wright, a woman who overcame poverty, abuse, and childhood trauma to become a nurse, a CEO, and a successful business owner. However, those incredible accomplishments meant nothing when she was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer and given only a few months to live. This is her journey away from conventional medicine, curing her cancer, and going on to become a naturopathic doctor.

Turning Months Into Year

Turning Months Into Year

Turning Months Into Years a QuickStart Guide: How to Decrease Stressors that Lead to Cancer and Advanced Disease is about reclaiming your wellness. You’ll learn timeless, powerful strategies to improve your health and develop a customized plan to take your life to a higher level of vitality, from someone who has done it, and the recipes that helped her get there. This book was created to provide a roadmap to remove negative feelings associated with a cancer or advanced disease diagnosis and provide empowerment through knowledge! This book contains well tested ways to decrease disease with little to no side effects while staying as healthy as you can. You will learn adjuvant therapy to decrease cancer and advanced disease along with non-toxic therapies that have documented results. Learn how to extend your life using the methods in this book.

Rebuilding the Body After Chemo

Rebuilding the Body After Chemo

Rebuilding the Body After Chemo, Radiation and Surgery assists you to be the best you can be. After a difficult diagnosis it is hard to get back to wellness. In this book Wellness = Nutrition + Supplements + Detoxing + Exercise. All the components of wellness are discussed to repair the body after the devastation of disease and provide empowerment through knowledge! It contains well tested ways to overcome fear while optimizing your health. God gave us the ability for the body to heal itself when all the underlying body stressors are corrected. Get back to living and life. Learn how to return to wellness using the methods in this book.

From my first day of nursing school and single mom life, unbelievable nurse stories and starting a company, to a murder-for-hire scheme and multiple cancer scares, I share my story as a female founder. Nurses don’t just comfort patients and their families, we come home and do it all over again. The shift never ends.

My First Book Watch the Official Trailer

The Unbelievable Plight of Mrs. Wright

How a hurt, impoverished little girl beat all odds, becoming a successful businesswoman and cancer survivor.

Alternative Medicine

The difference between conventional medicine and natural methods for fighting life’s battles. Click the button above for homeopathic, naturopathic, abuse victim, and cancer resources.

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My Story

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Who Is Diana Wright?

Meet Diana

Meet the Doctor that saved my life.

Meet Dr. Kleef

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